Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sorry it's been so long. I have been up to my eyeballs in editing.

I have done to my worst to Forbidden: Lost and it is now in the hands of Beta's, where hopefully, they are doing their worst.

I am on pins and needles, though so far the feedback has been positive.

It's a difficult thing, being beta'ed. You want the person reading it to be honest, even brutally, sometimes. It helps you learn as a writer, and your writing reflects the things you learn, but it is also incredibility sad. Because you really only want to hear how great it is, lol. You want that affirmation that you might just make it as a writer. That maybe your words hold merit. And seeing the comments and suggestions fill you with trepidation. The... "maybe this wasn't meant for me..."

But you push through that. Your skin gets thicker. You are able to look at your baby through the eyes of a stranger. And really, you need that. We all have 'mommy' blinders when it comes to our works. Strangers eyes see better. The distance is necessary.

But, my writer friends, we know that, right?

This might just be a pep talk for myself as I wait with held breath, for my readers to get back to me. But, I do have this for comfort.

The cover!

I am thrilled. This cover has come a long way from it's original design, but I adore this. The blue suits it better, in that it is a more bittersweet story.

Now, while readers are ripping and clawing, I need to work on the back matter.

Forbidden: Redemption is halfway edited, so, I need to start lining up readers for it as well. Things are moving now! Yay!

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