Yep, it my random blog post time. I swear I am going to try to do better. I just get... distracted. And I did again.
But, I am going to try to start posting weekly. As opposed to weakly.
This is where I am. Forbidden: Lost is about ready for the world. I finished the back cover stuff and am about to email it off to my cover designer. I figure it should be done in about a week. While waiting for the final cover, I will be going over the formatting and making sure it is ready to go. Once I am happy, and have it formatted, it will be available. I am thrilled to be this close.
And this is the final cover to Lost
I have Forbidden: Redemption ready for beta-reading and I need to start work on the back cover info for it as well. Just as a warning, I am not the best at back cover stuff. Once I have comments back for it, I should be able to set a date for it's release.
Forbidden: Addicted.
This one I am having issues with. I need to make it longer. Give the relationship more time to develop. My problem is, I love the story just the way it is. It flows smoothly and I just love it. But then, I wrote it. I am biased, lol. I can also make the ending a bit longer. It kinda cuts off abruptly. Pretty easy fix. But this is the book I am working on now.
After I get Addicted ready for the great wide open, I am going to go back to a couple of stories I haven't touched in a while. They are a part of my 'Year of Finishing Things". Books that I left off writing when the approach of my first Nano. They deserve my help reaching their potential, and it has always been a niggle in the back of my brain that I didn't get them finished. Well, that will change soon enough :) Stones will have it's day. As will The Game He Plays.
Symphony and Symphony 2 will also see the light of day this year. As will Heart of the Sun. So many babies to give my love to. I love writing.
Well, back to it then!
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