Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I am stuck in a car scene from hell.

I hate driving scenes. With a passion. You want to get me to stop writing? Give me a car scene.

I know, in this day and age, car scenes kinda need to happen, right? I mean everyone drives. But I hate them. My flowing dialogue become this twisted, stilted thing. And the action comes to a screeching halt. And my brain goes into meltdown trying to get through this, small but necessary for realism, torturous... thing... See? I can't even come up with a word to describe the... Oh, I give up.

Okay, my little rant is over.

I will get through it. I know I will. I have in the past. I just need some driving (see what I did there), heavy rock to get me through.  I will find the song, I will get my characters out of the car. I WILL get back to sexy and back to violence. Those I think I write well. But with the good, comes the bad.

What scenes do you not like writing? What devices do you employ to get through the mud?

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Hey, look! I remembered!


So, I think I am back in the swing of things.

I have reset me some realistic goals and so far have been following though on them.

One: Write 500 a day. That may not sound like much, but with my burning desire to learn Japanese, it has been a struggle to write anything at all. Given the right circumstances, I can write 500 words in less then 30 minutes. That leaves me much of the day when I am not working to edit and study.

Two: To post in the Life after Nano Forums on the Nanowrimo message board. It is full of friendly people to help motivate and inspire. I love the place!

Three: I will be updating this blog twice at week, at the VERY least. Maybe more. But no less than twice.

Four: I WILL edit for one hour every day. I have many books that need it, so, I have to find the time to do it. Writing is one thing. Being able to bring the books to light in another. Editing is part of writing and I have to be able to do it. I have make the time for it.

Five: Study! Yes! Right now, my most favorite thing in the world. But it will not pay my bills. I want to be a writer. I AM a writer. So, that HAS to come first.

Okay, on to the fun stuff. Pictures!

And again with the standard stuff. I found these on Pinterest. I have no idea where they came from. If they belong to you, let me know and I will credit you. If you want them taken down, again, let me know and I will take them down. I am easy to get along with!

These are the Character inspiration pics for Forbidden: Addicted. I am currently writing this book.

(Except his eyes are green)

And Sofiel

I have no idea who will star in the last book of the series. You will know when I do!

Bye everyone!