Thursday, March 31, 2016

Camp Nano. Goals for the month and beyond.

So, Camp Nano starts in less than 11 hours. I am both thrilled and terrified.

But it's the same every time I start something with Nano, lol. But I have such high expectations this time. And I am not getting any younger. The name of this blog is called Chasing Dreams for a reason.

My goals for this Camp are to A: Get Lost ready for the world. B: Get Redemption ready for Beta's. (That should have been done, but though it seems this was my most favorite to write, it is by far the most difficult to edit.  And C: To get my Black  Butler fanfic finished. Yep, fanfic. I fell into it. Hard. Thanks, you sexy demon butler!

It's a lot to accomplish in a month. But I have faith in myself. I know I can do it. Because I would really like to catch one of my dreams. It will happen.

In other news, in addition to studying, I am now learning Korean. I blame Vixx for pushing ahead that goal. Vixx is a concept idol group in the K-pop world and I adore them. I am  proud to call myself a Starlight.

Their song "Voodoo Doll" has inspired a very dark and demented story in my mind that I have to keep fighting off. No more novel writing until I get Lost and Redemption ready for publication.  *determined face*

Anyone else participating in Camp Nano?